Life 101: $10 per month/per child (Auto giving can be set up through PayPal via our Donate page. This is THE MOST EFFECTIVE way to give your recurring gifts)

Our Life 101 project helps to provide the people with the basic necessities of life. One of the most basic and overpowering needs is the need for food. We work to meet basic nutritional needs for the kids in our program so that they can grow to be strong as well as educated. There are times when we have the opportunity to provide chickens to the families which can help to feed them for a longer season of time if the conditions are favorable and the chicken is a viable egg producer. Our goal is to meet the basic nutritional needs for the kids in our program, help provide for the families and bless the community whenever possible.

Another basic need we seek to meet is to provide the kids in our program with blankets and mattresses. Most of the children in Ethiopia sleep on dirt floors without even a piece of cloth to keep them warm. The cost to meet these basic needs is very minimal but the families don’t even have enough to provide their children with a soft bed and a warm blanket. Our goal is to meet that need for every child.

Life 201: $5 per month/per child or a one time gift of $60 (Auto giving can be set up through PayPal via our Donate page. This is THE MOST EFFECTIVE way to give your recurring gifts)

Once we have met the Life 101 needs of each child in the program we seek to provide greater opportunity for each child to break the chain of poverty over their lives and their future through our Life 201 program.

Many Ethiopian children are not able to attend school due to financial difficulties.  In 2013 we started out supporting 20 children in school by paying their school fees and for a uniform. Starting the 2016-17 school year, we were able to provide these items for 50 children along with their school supplies and tutoring.  Our goal for the 2018-19 school year is to continue to support those 50 children.

For many of these children, they are the first generation to have this opportunity to attend school.  

In Ethiopia, the students must have a great comprehension of the English language in order to pass the 12th grade exam and have an opportunity to attend a university. Their national 12th grade exam is given in the English language in the following areas: physics, chemistry, biology, and civics. They are also tested in their national language and their regional language. We believe that if we are going to help these children succeed and enable them to create a better future for themselves and their communities then we need to provide additional support through English tutors and spiritual training. We need your help!

Our Life 201 programs provides school tuition and a uniform for each child each year. We also provide the needed school supplies each child needs for the school year. Each student receives tutoring throughout the week to help them succeed academically. Through our partner church in Denkaka the children receive spiritual instruction and we help by providing a Bible in their tribal language to each of our children.  


School tuition : $25.00 per child.  You can support a child by making a commitment to cover the cost of their education for one year.

Nutritional needs: any amount. You can make a gift of any size to help feed the children in our program. We work to be a blessing to the community as well and when funds are available we seek to reach out to the community to provide food, help and hope in any way we can. We believe in meeting the real life needs of people and with your help we can make a difference for many.

Ministry needs: any amount.  Our ministry costs are minimal but there is a cost for us to maintain the secured guesthouse compound in Ethiopia which is used to house the ministry operations, mission teams and MADIE staff. This property is essential to provide an effective presence in the community.


Your financial gifts go toward meeting all of the above needs. Giving is easy and may be done on a one-time or recurring basis. Auto giving can be set up through PayPal via our Donate page. This is THE MOST EFFECTIVE way to give your recurring gifts.