Imagine having to decide whether to feed your child enough to sustain them or send them to school. It is not a decision we have to make here in the USA, but it is one that is made every year in the village of Denkaka by  many families. This year MADIE Ministries was able to provide forty children with a full year tuition and also a brand new uniform. It was through the generous donations of individuals that made this possible.

Attending school in Ethiopia is not mandatory. Anyone can attend school at any age as long as they have the money for a uniform, tuition, paper and pens. We witnessed the power of how donations can change the life of a child as we sat of feed sacks in a dark mud hut speaking with a mother of a five year old. As we gathered the information for her daughter to attend school, we asked if there were any other children in the family. She motioned toward a young man standing shyly in the doorway. She shared that he had never attended school because he had been living in the “country side” with his grandmother and had just returned to live with her. She stated that she would try to enroll him the next school year. We offered to support him now if he was interested in school. His face lit up and a smile came across his face as he nodded yes. This young man started school for the first time at the age of 13. May God continue to put these children in our path and provide us with the funds to give them the opportunity to learn.

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